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Bathed snow public finance officer to think that the Hou answers a way all of a sudden:"Two emperor sub- his highness, just I too late asked him some businesses concerning business, you directly employed him, so I can't also under comment on, however clear eye persons all saw of come out him is the talented person that a could not get more"
"What about you?Yi dust"the Lai is virtuous to immediately after ask a way
"My viewpoint heel public finance the officer agree without previous consultation, belong to under also think this person is personal material can not pass, once pass the loss that will be our board of trade" dust of Luo Yi answers a way
The Lai is virtuous to be listenning to the answer Hou of finishing 2 people, ponder to say for a while:"I feel this person that the Mo being medium doing not imagine is simple, sees the data that he filled while coming to register have no outstanding place, this with his actual performance fall bad pretty big of, however be in the light of and use a person and doubt not, Yi person need not of principle, still observe first for a while compare insurance, Yi dust, that this matter handed over to you to handle and saw him for me, knew?"
The Luo Yi dust station is started to toward a virtuous arch hand of Lai to answer a way at this time:"Belong to next follow instructions!"
Anne receives a forest lion clan
Ever since that time and bear clan the elder meet with Hou, lion Wang Lai En start actively parepare for war and preparing to send army a tiger clan, however seem to be not on the progress is very smooth, because only depend while having never traded and supporting oneself of the resources accumulation is really too slow to be of help in a crisis, as a result all progress of the defaults delay, these problems let lion Wang Lai En harm deeply brains.
"Is alas ………shine on if this continues don't know what year then He Yue can send army ……….."Lion Wang Lai En takes a heap of progress to fall the document of Hou to sigh a way
"Lion his majesty king, why sigh?"A full head light hair, shape Gao strengthens of the monster person Be walking to come in and asking a way
Lion Wang Lai En hears the voice raising head and looking and at that moment and happily saying:"The Ao space receives!You come of the positive that time wait, now the problem of my hand can much, quickly come over to help me three to know well three detailed"
Originally this person be in the lion clan, have "intelligence lion" of the called Ao space receive.
"Oh?There is the matter of Shi Mo that can make us astute lion his majesty king is such annoyed?"The Ao space receives to smile lion with gloomy rightness Wang Lai En to ask a way
The lion Wang Lai En's station is started to combine the document in the handle knob to hand over to an Ao space to receive Hou to immediately after say at this time:"Lately, the bear clan sent their elders to come over to have something to do with our discussing an alliance to send army the business of tiger clan, originally I anticipated the Hou in half year to send army, however carry on till now, not is lack this be lack that, only we weapon and provisions for army of 300,000 main forces to still gather together not to come out now, don't even say of the Hou of the Hou continuous troops problem, alas~~this calls how I am is good?"The lion Wang Lai En's mood falls low of say
"BE so ah ……these problem can not solve ……."The Ao space received to ponder Hou to immediately after say at this time:"Lion his majesty king, agreement can say first between bear clan and his majesty, let to belong to an in the mind to have a bottom so much"
"This is all right, you don't ask, do I want to say!Is such, the bear clan agrees on to want to send 100,000 bear so much a soldier to match with us we are from the north go toward south strong offend a tiger of clan, however Hou bear the clan is another to send 100,000 bear the soldier is from their old nests go down south to make the fox, wing carrying the Hou first two clans to a pot of, then from the east westwards take the offensive tiger clan on the side, so we ability two roads attack from both flanks, their beginning and end of tiger clan cans not give attention to both, is taking down the Hou of tiger clan, bear clan as long as the territory of fox, wing two clans and receive Si half of wealth especially just, otherly and all return us"lion Wang Lai En toward an Ao space to receive to speak contentedly to say
"Have that Mo good matter?"The Ao space receives an instinctive doubt to immediately after say for a while:"Lion his majesty king, don't you feel to have Zha among them?Always, the bear clans all eat in the bowl to see in the pot and open one this time that Mo is good of how can the condition not make people query?I want to definitely exist among them secret scheme"
Hear the analytical Hou that the Ao space receives, lion Wang Lai En made an effort to clap thigh, however the Hou suddenly realize says:"To roar!I how the Mos all have never thought this, the Ao space receives, that you think a bear clan, do they want to make some patterns of Shi Mo?"
The Ao space received to think that the Hou answers a way all of a sudden at this time:"Relevant this matter is momentary three engrave of can't is a reply of integrity of his majesty king for lion as well, please give belong to next time to consider, however the his majesty just mentioned the troops lacked the business of food and material and belonged to next pour is had a suggestion"
"Does Shi Mo suggest?Say quickly!"Lion the hasty way of Wang Lai En
The Ao space received to cough pure settle throat all of a sudden to say:"Belong to next is think like this, since the bear clan is active to come to seek our alliance to send army this time, that they should opposite support our supplies just to, so want to invite lion his majesty king to write letter one bear clan of sealing, they provide food and material to us, otherwise the business of alliance have to forget about it.
How the viewpoint that by so doing can try a bear clan is, if they at 1:00 all not bothersome of direct equip with food to deliver, this means that they are very hasty to send army, that affirmation existence scheme, if they drag and pull to want to don't give, that we also consume with them, see them to want to make the pattern of Shi Mo is considering, go to Wu if they can not stand up to aid us, that alliance sends army this file matter now forget about it good, because we don't fight the battle that don't prepare"
Lion Wang Lai En finishes listenning to the analytical Hou that the Ao space receives and ponder to in a short while say:"Seeming can also this Mo do, the Ao space receives, that letter that wants to give a bear clan from your generation I hold knife like, write good Hou to deliver to take a look for me, you descend favour first"
"Yes!Lion his majesty king"the Ao space receive an arch hand to answer a way

The sixth gathers chapter 4(two
Renew time:2008-11-512:51:17 chapter word numbers:3400

Reach the Si D Kingdom board of trade office
Go to an evening, Qi color good 4 people at with meticulous care the Hou of foppery, a group of people takes west Tong in the door arrived at the spot of evening party together, this sale will for making some trickery and boosting popularity, so again hold on board in the armor.
But the sale officer this time be only certainly picked a crossbeam clearly by ambition, arrived in evening a cent, ascended a ship the wagon before the place line up into the long dragon of a to wait for give°ing its host to send to destination, the momentary officer on board covers to swarm about, the whole nobility of southern city and billionaires all at invite of row or column in.
"~This ship is very beautiful oh …….."While ascending the ship place ironclad ship that sees stop in the port, the west Tong in the door's calling of surprise way
"This still doesn't calculate Shi Mo~go out to sea Hou under etc., sea of is the night scene really beautiful!"The pear Ying is proud of say
"To ah~waited owners to all go aboard Hou,beats by dre uk, this ship would open to leave port, however Hou's on the water hold dinner and sale meeting, sea of the night scene is under the irradiation of evil crystal light, not is use the United States that the speech can describe ………."The Dai Xi immediately after says
"Really?Good expectation oh~~"the west Tong in the door hear pear Ying and the words Hou of Dai Xi and envy of say
"Good~we make the file in the center let in the road other people all up not ship, everyone hurries to seek a good position to see a night scene in the deck!"What they pressed that the Qi color is good to toward Dai Xi says
When once the Dai Xi go 5 people to go aboard Hou, I am as clear as ambition, spring Jiao three talented persons secretively go aboard.
"President of association, for Shi Mo do we want to secretively go aboard?"Chun Jiao doesn't understand of toward me to ask a way
"Because I don't want to make people capture to ask east ask west of, today we the point of sale meeting is to want to keep mysterious until auction off a beginning, the words like this would have expectation and new experience, otherwise the contents auctioning off tonight be all known that to lose meaning a while" my explanation says
"BE so oh, but the thing auctioning off tonight combine not much, will be not not enough fascinatingly?"The ambition is clearly worried that the ground asks a way
"This you need not worried, this several kinds wanted to use to auction off of the thing can have no here several individuals once saw, only the azure stone is an enough their lo, don't even say the new product that we bring this time, and you don't forget, also have ancient strange master and the west Tong in the door be our live an advertisement, so Anne!"I have much of confidence ground to clap clear shoulder of ambition to say
"President of association, all guests include ours" target person" Related articles:

